Postal Address

All contact through the Church Office please
(including hall bookings)
St Giles Church Hall
Church Lane
DN33 2EU
Tel : 01472 872482
How to Find Us
St. Giles' Parish Church is situated some two miles from the centre
of Grimsby on the A16 road to Louth, in what was the village of
Scartho. We can be reached off Louth Road, either by St Giles Avenue
or Church Lane. Parking is available in the large hall carpark
The Church is surrounded by trees: it may not 'stand out' immediately upon your arrival.
Use the interactive map above to help navigate your way to the church:
Click for our weekly pew sheet with services and notices
Who's Who
RectorRev Dr Sheena Cleaton 01472 825745
ReaderHeather Morton
ChurchwardenCorrina Coulson 07850 418390
Parochial Church CouncilSecretary:
Sandra Wood 01472 816001
Christopher Slater 07715676194
Planned Giving Officer:
Catherine Gregory 01472 508252
Steve Coulson 01472 823708