Events & Latest News
Latest News
The National Church has issued new guidelines in
the last few days. A letter from the Archbishops
advises priests to:
• Offer Communion in one kind only to all
communicants; i.e. the bread/wafer/host, with
the priest alone taking the wine (when we
receive the bread only we are still partaking
fully in Holy Communion);
• suspend handshaking or other direct physical
contact during the sharing of the peace;
• suspend direct physical contact as part of a
blessing or ‘laying on of hands’.
Revd Sheena will be following these guidelines for
the foreseeable future. Let us continue to meet
together to worship God, and to care for one
another. Let us pray for those who are unwell, feel
anxious or lonely at this time. And let us pray for
those working hard, in our health service, to keep
us safe and care for the sick.
Scartho St Giles with St Matthew, Annual Parochial Church Meeting - Sunday 15th May 2022: The Election of the Churchwardens and the Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM), Small Hall, following the 10am service.
We will endeavour to keep you updated about any events. Please keep checking our website and facebook page. Events are also often advertised on our Pewsheet, which you can view on the home page of this website
Special Events
A special 'Songs of Praise' service in celebration of the Platinum Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II - Sunday 5th June, 3pm, St Giles' Large Church Hall, followed by 'bring and share' refreshments. This is also the Day of Pentecost, when the church celebrates the birthday of the church. Let us rejoice together.
Please note - there will be no service in the morning on Sunday 5th June.
Regular Events
Please Note: There will be 'no vestry hour' for the foreseeable future. Anyone wishing to make enquiries about baptisms and weddings can contact Revd Sheena on 01472 825745 or the Parish Office on 872482. Thank you.
Every Thursday | Pop-in Social Group | Small Hall | after the Service |
Every Thursday | VAL’S TAI CHI CLASS | Large Hall | 9:30 - 10:30am |
Every Thursday | Lunch Club | Large Hall | 12:00noon |